Gynofit Unperfumed Cleansing Lotion (200 ml) #10087254
A washing lotion that cleanses and protects. In contrast to alkaline soap, this extra-mild washing lotion has exactly the right pH value for your vaginal environment. This means that the protective acid mantle remains intact, the vaginal skin is protected from drying out, there is no irritation and the vaginal climate remains in balance. Pure washing pleasure, pure care, pure strengthening through lactic acid! Gynofit washing lotion naturally supports the protective function of the vaginal flora. It ensures a balanced pH value and leaves an all-round fresh feeling. A lot can be done wrong when washing. Washing too often with alkaline soaps throws the vaginal area out of balance. For your intimate hygiene, you should therefore preferably use a product that supports your vaginal flora in healthy functioning: Gynofit washing lotion contains valuable lactic acid, which does exactly this. An extra-mild, strong cleaning? Yes gladly!